30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni narerurashii ep.03

This drama is progressing very nicely. I hope you’ll enjoy #3 as well!

NOTE: Please DO NOT upload to YT or other streaming sites.

30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni narerurashii

(Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!)
Akaso Eiji, Machida Keita, Asaka Koudai, Yuutarou, etc.

Episode 3 (Eng Sub)
24min 27s
Download Hardsub (281MB, 1280*720)
Download Softsub (Patrons only)


  1. tansang

    Thank you so much for subbing! I legitimately refresh your page so many times, hoping your subs are up (because they’re the best!)

  2. DougGT

    Thank you so much for your work!!!!!!!!!
    If next episode they don’t kiss I’m gonna trow a chair out the window XD

  3. Iris

    By now I’ve read the two volumes of the manga out in English and am waiting for the third to come out in March. Very nice story and the drama is very close. Great choice in actors.
    So, thank you for the subs as it would be a shame to miss out on this.

      1. Iris

        Well, sorry about the broke part, can’t help with that but the second volume is in print and regularly available from bookdepository, for example. They have worldwide free shipping though there could be a general- or COVID-delivery stop depending on with country you live in.
        Otherwise, perhaps a library?

  4. Hyuck

    Thank u so much, this episode is so cute yet touching at the same time!
    (Also there’s a YouTube channel uploading ur eng subs, I hope that acc is urs :))

    1. Jaiden

      Thank you SO much for subbing this show! It has been so cute and really touching! I have really enjoyed all the dramas you have chosen to sub! Also, thank you for especially subbing LGBT dramas!

  5. Karolina

    THANK YOU! This ep was just ksdjsdv!!! I’M NOT SCREAMING, I’M NOT SCREAMING, I’M NOT SCREAMING!!! That series are better and better with every single ep 🙂 One more time thank you for your hard work!

  6. Tipknife

    Thank you so much for making these, the subtitles are great! I love how the show spends so much time on how kind they are to each other, and is so deft with humor. Between the pandemic and a host of difficult IRL things, it’s SO GOOD to have this sunbeam to look forward to!!!

  7. VC

    Many thanks for hard work on the subs. This is a really sweet drama. Perfect cast and the expressions are so on point. Can’t wait to see more.

  8. Marimo

    Hi team. Thanks so much for your hard work! I just discovered this series today in Tumblr and I am in love with it. The live action is so well acted and executed (not to mention the MCs are so good-looking!) and it’s easily the best BL live action I’ve ever seen so far. Thank you so much for uploading and subbing them!!! More power to you guys! 🙂

  9. Ryo

    Thank you so much for subbing this show! I saw your watermark on some video uploaded on billi, so I came here to the source. After finishing the anime, I was recommended by others to watch the live action version, heard there were a few wonderful differences. I’m surprised that the drinking game and karaoke scene stomach medicine scene basically got merged, can’t wait to see Fujisaki represent aroaces in this rendition of Cherimaho. Thank you again for your hard work! (´▽`ʃƪ)♡

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