The sweetest episode and my favourite so far hehe~ Please enjoy XDDD
NOTE: I’ll be moving next week, so EP10 release WILL be delayed!
30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni narerurashii
(Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!)
Akaso Eiji, Machida Keita, Asaka Koudai, Yuutarou, etc.
Episode 9 (Eng Sub)
24min 27s
Download Hardsub (280MB, 1280*720)
Download Softsub (Patrons only)
Been refreshing since I woke up this morning! Thank you so much for the subs!
Thank you so much for another episode! Your subs are really the best!
Tsuge is my fav lol
Same!! I’m so excited to see their story developing
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the subs.
Thank you very much for the hard work. (_ _) This series is getting sweeter and sweeter every episode my heart can’t take it! (≧ω≦)
Also, good luck with your move. (^^)
Delayed #10? Do you need help moving? Ask us for help! Do you have any idea how addicted we all are to Cherry Magic?
I love how much more jumpy Adachi is getting as his relationship with Kurosawa grows closer to being consummated. Eiji does such a spectacular job with that role. I cannot help smiling at everything he does. And Tsuge’s open eye backward roll? Defied the laws of anatomy and physics and yet, how could you not laugh?
This show is absolutely top tier and I very much appreciate your subbed version. Thank you!
thank you SO much! (≧▽≦)
Thank you so so much!!
Thanks so much for the sub
Thank you always for the great subs!
Thank youu!<3
Thank you ahhhhhhhhh@!!#@@@$QGKWr bgjurwb <3 I look forward to these subs every week.
Two awesome HUGS, back to back episodes! I’m dead! I’m glad Tsuge and Minato are together and that kiss? before Kurosawa and Adachi? AHHHHH… lol… I love CHERRY MAGIC!!!! THANK YOU so very much for the subs. I kept checking in here over and over yesterday hoping this episode was up. Well worth the wait… Can’t wait for next week. Again, Thank You, Irozuku! I appreciate it! Stay safe!
why is the 2nd couple has more development lmao
but still adachi and kurosawa’s story is *chef kiss
thank you so much ^^
Thank you!! I hope your move goes smoothly <3 Take care.
Thank you as always. Have a nice moving days.
I was squealing the whole time, it was such a cute, adorable and wholesome episode! Definitely my favorite so far.
Thank you!
Thank you for letting us know
thank you for the subs! good luck on your move!!
Thanks! Good luck with moving~
thank you so much
and good luck with the move 
I have a wetv vip subscription but your sub is the best X”D
Thank You! Arigato!
thank you for the subs! my heart can’t take their cuteness !!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for all that you do. Because of your hard work, I am always able to finish off the week with a big smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart. I patiently await the next episode, but no rush! Good luck on moving~ I hope it is safe, painless, and speedy (✿◠‿◠)
Really, thank you so much! I love this episode >u<
Thank you so much for your hard work, Mich! Adachi and Kurosawa are so freakin’ cute I can’t handle it!! Good luck on your move next week. We’re all so appreciative, we can wait patiently, don’t worry!
Thank you so much!! Good luck with your move!!
Thank you for the hard work! Hope your move goes well!
Thank you very much
Thank you so much for the subs!! Good luck moving, I hope everything goes well :))
Love you as always <3 <3
Thank you so much (as always) for episode 9. Kurodachi you Rock!!!!
Thank you for the subs and good luck with your move!
Thank you for this treat!
tysm! is the audio in this episode mono though? i can’t really hear that well from the left side
Thank you for the quality subs!
What’s the music when the vision/flashes came? the champagne part…
Thank you so much for the subs!! I hope your move goes smoothly. I love your subs so much I can wait an extra week if I need to. Happy Moving Day!
Good Luck with your move and thank you very much!
Thank you for your hard work.
I wonder if Tsuge is going to lose his special power now haha
Such a cute episode
Good luck with your move, don’t worry about us ^^
Thank you for uploading the episodes and translating each one! My gay friends and I love watching this show together!
Thank you so much<3
Thank you so much for this! This show is just too heartwarming
Thank you for this epics subs! and I hope the move is smooth. But dang, Tsuge’s running really got me cackling! idk if the actor did that on purpose or if it’s in line with the script BUT AHAHAHAHA Tsuge is so cute!
I love you, u have no idea
Again, excellent translation! Hope you have a safe flight and all the best on moving houses ^_^
Thank you so much for subbing this amazing series. I’m so sorry that people are uploading this to youtube when you have asked them not to. It really sucks that they do that and just thank you so much
Thank you. We appreciate you.
thank you very much for ep 9!
thank you!!! i wonder if it would be possible to edit all these clips together (except for the second story line, i know im a hater) so it’ll be like a slice of life bl movie, it would be soo cute.
I am obsessed with this series. Thank you so much for your hard working! <3
I’m the girl at 19:23 completely stopping to stare at them lmao
Thank you so much for the subs!!!
Thank you so much for the subs. I may not have a money for donation but I really appreciate you. Lots of love and love.
Thank you so so much~ have a good move!!
Thank you so much For Making Subs For this , I really Appreciate This
, I wonder If could you please also Made a English Sub of Alice in Borderland ( 2020)
Hi, Alice in Borderland is already subbed on Netflix
where is ep 10

Mich said will be moving next week, so EP10 release WILL be delayed!
Hey bunch of ppl have uploaded epi 10 on YouTube

Thank you so much for your translation! It’s done so well
Thanks! I loved this episode! I didn’t think Tsuge would resolve all his issues in this ep tho, looking forward to the date next ep
Hiii I just want to know if you will upload and sub the spin-off/special episodes of Cherry Magic? I HOPE YOU’RE DOING OK! TAKE CARE!
Someone lost his powers
big thxxxxxxx ^^