Black Cinderella ep.05

[28 June 2021] UPDATE: Seems like Viki has picked up this series for subtitling, so… after much thought, I’ve decided to drop the project. Thank you for watching episodes 1-5 with me 💗

Sorry for the wait, here’s ep5! 3 more to go. Ganbaru! (9`・ω・)9

Black Cinderella

Riko, Kamio Fuju, Itagaki Mizuki, Erica

Episode 5 (Eng Sub)
38min 20s
Download Hardsub (407MB, 1280*720)
Download Softsub (Patrons only)


  1. shinycat

    Who is Viki and where do I get those subs then? I love your subs so it’s really sad you drop this series =( (would be much better if you finish this series)

    1. skyseafurinkazan

      Hi, putting it in a simple way, Viki is a site ( ) that buys the rights of some asian shows and sub them. You’ll be able to watch the drama on the site (streaming) once they release it.

      I’m not expert of it, so I can’t explain more, but I hope you got the answer you needed.

      PS: Maybe it was nice/good education to thank this subber for the episodes she released so far, instead of just asking questions convenient for you.

  2. Laura

    Please keep updating, it is unknown when Viki will continue and it’ll possibly be a while until they do. We need you!

  3. MM

    Thank you for your hard work! I am loving the series and your subs. I’ve bookmarked your page, so I can watch more of your posts. Have a lovely day!

  4. DL

    Unfortunately, we will need to wait for Viki since Viki has paid for the rights to sub this JDrama or else there will be copyright issues. But thanks for the subbing done here.

  5. Anazsazi

    Oh no.. i can’t seem to find good eng subs for the rest of the eps anywhere 😔
    Thank you for subbing thus far. 🥰
    How i wish u could continue subbing the last 3 eps. 🙏🏼

  6. Nick Beacham

    I was so pleased to find this drama and sorry it moved to Viki. Thank you for subbing it. The sequel two episodes Black Cinderella: Graduation Edition are out in raws … is there any possibility it will be subbed?


    Hi Mich-san, I just finished the series on Viki then I saw that there’s a Graduation Edition but it’s not available on Viki. By chance, are you going to sub it? Hnng really want to watch it, or do you know where to find it? Thank you!

  8. Soo-ah

    Hi Irozuku,
    I was just wondering if you would ever consider doing the 2-episode sequel of Black Cinderella called ‘Black Cinderella: Graduation Edition’ ? I hope you don’t think this means I’m pressuring or what not, it’s just a curious question.

  9. Em

    Thank you so much for your hard work!
    I was also wondering if you would kindly consider subbing the 2-part sequel, “Black Cinderella Sotsugyo-hen”. It is currently still unsubbed, and I know you must be busy, but we would greatly appreciate it if you would consider subbing it!

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