Coffee & Vanilla ep.01

Coffee & Vanilla

Fukuhara Haruka, Sakurada Dori, Kuroba Mario, Ogoe Yuki, Hama Shogo, Kita Noa
Episode 1 (Eng Sub)
24min 06s
Download Hardsub (282MB, 1280*720)
Download Softsub (Patrons only)


  1. Screenrider

    Thank you so much for this. It looks interesting. Hopefully you don´t shelve “Fujoshi”, since you sub 2 more doramas, I enjoyed “Fuyoshi” a lot and am looking forward to more episodes of it. Btw, I really love the excellent picture quality you offered on “Fujoshi” (and I suppose on this one as well – haven´t watched it yet).

    1. Post

      We aren’t shelving it. “Fujoshi” is special as we have a guest translator (Mae) for that project. In other words, the other dramas I’m subbing now will not affect “Fujoshi” releases. Please rest assured. Anyway, from my understanding, Mae is currently working on ep2. Thanks for your patience.

      1. G

        Thank you so much! I’ve been trying to find an english subbed episode for 2 days now but i just can’t find it 🙁 luckily someone shared me this link and finally, finally watched it fully!! I have been a fan of the manga ever since i read it for 1 whole day!! ❤️❤️❤️Again thank you very much <333 I'm looking forward to all the other episodes being subbed 😀

  2. Lexa Mei

    Hi. I am an Italian subber, I was looking for the English subtitles of this drama because I would like to translate them into my language. Unfortunately I don’t know Japanese, so the only way is to translate from English into Italian. Could I ask to have your subtitles to create the translations of this drama in my language? Obviously I will add credits!
    I hope in an answer, if you want to contact me this is my e-mail : I hope in your positive answer, in any case thank you! Sorry if my English is not perfect!

  3. Sharyn Yee

    thank you so very much! been waiting patiently for someone to pick this one up … thankyou for the trouble!!

  4. tbarbosa

    You can’t understand the gratitude I have for you subbing this! I’ve been obsessed with watching this since it was first released, and I’m a hardcore fan of Good Morning Call that wanted these two to get together! 😀 Thanks a bunch and good luck on your further subbing!

  5. abi

    Thank you for subbing and supporting this amazing drama and for all the hard work you put into this page🙏🙏

    1. Post
  6. Oneloveeejvg

    Thanks for subbing this show! I know subbing and translating is hard work. So I really appreciate it!!!!

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