Watashi, Teiji de Kaerimasu ep.10 (Final)

At laaaaast! Watatei is complete!

A lot of my blood, sweat and tears went into this project lol~ so I’m feeling really great now, as though a huge boulder has been lifted off my shoulders! I really hope you’ve enjoyed the series as much as I did!

Watashi, Teiji de Kaerimasu.

(I Will Not Work Overtime, Period!)
Yoshitaka Yuriko, Mukai Osamu, Nakamaru Yuichi, Uchida Yuki, Shishido Kavka, Sakurada Dori…

Episode 10 (Final) (Eng Sub)
1h 01min 34s
Download Hardsub (780MB, 1280*720)
Download Softsub (Patrons only)

P.S. Whenever I see Yui drinking beer, I have the urge to drink one myself haha!


  1. Jasmine

    Thank you so much for your hard work, i truly enjoyed this drama from start to end and I wouldn’t be able to without your subs 🙂

  2. ht

    thank you so much for subbing this drama! It grew on me (way more than I expected it to) and I’m gonna miss seeing yui & co 🙁

  3. Myleo2013

    This turned out to be such an excellent drama. Thank you again for subbing this so we could enjoy it. I’m going to miss watching Yui and co too.

  4. Sa-chan

    Thank you so much for your work ! I will miss it because it was a good drama to watch. I love the ending, I think it’s the perfect couple, they re honest with each other, so they can have a good relationship

  5. Aichi

    Thank you very much for your hard work! This is now one of the best Jdramas I’ve watched so far. It taught a lot of good life lessons while telling a very good story from beginning to end.

  6. Carlos

    thank you for the subs, I started watching this because this TV show was news in my country “The series that are making Japanese people revalue their work-culture”, I’m glad that someone like you could take the time and translate it for us, may this kindness return to you tenfold

  7. Gork

    Thank you so much for subbing this drama! I loved it all the way until the end!! <3 Greatly appreciate all the hard work and dedication you put into this!

  8. Arno

    Been waiting for episode 10 for weeks only to find it here. Which I could have known since the site I usually go to uses your subs. Thank you and I will buy you a coffee.

    1. Post

      Are you referring to the streaming or the hardsub? In any case, I’ve just tested both and they are working fine.

  9. KAA

    I enjoyed this drama thoroughly. Kotaro was perfect! Thank you so much for your hard work. This is the only site I’ve found with English subs for the final episode. Really appreciate it!

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