My heart aches so much for Kurosawa in this ep…💔 This is probably my favourite ep so far and I hope you enjoy it! Meanwhile, I’d appreciate if people stop uploading my subs onto YT! There is obviously a reason for wanting to stay off that site. We just want to be able to continue subbing in peace. If you come across my subs on YT, please do me a favour, help to comment to ask them to remove it report them. Thanks!
*IMPORTANT!* DO NOT upload my subs onto YT or other streaming sites!
30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni narerurashii
(Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!)
Akaso Eiji, Machida Keita, Asaka Koudai, Yuutarou, etc.
Episode 6 (Eng Sub)
24min 27s
Download Hardsub (273MB, 1280*720)
Download Softsub (Patrons only)
Thank you for your subs! And don’t worry, I mostly go to YT to check on the thieves that are stealing your subs just to comment on their channel hehe.
ah i’ll always wait for your work and stop watching your subs on youtube! very sorry 🙁
I wish I could, I always tell myself I’ll wait, but the temptation is too great. I love this series so much I watch it without any subs, and with bad subs. But I never really fully appreciate the episode until I see the titles here.
I didn’t go to your YT channel anymore after you stop uploading them (still subscribed though). But I remember how there’s some reupload by other accs back then. I’ll check the YT later to find and report those videos.
This is so great. I can’t wait foe tue next episode. 😍
Thank you for your hard work subbing. I’ll report the video if I encounter your video elsewhere.
I do the same LOL
Thank you for subbing this, you’re such an angel 😇
Thanks for the sub Mich.. Really appreciate the effort. Always waiting for your sub even I already watch the episode with no sub 😅
How to make a report on stolen video? I saw many people steal from here. Some of them even cover Irozuku’s name and change to their name
thanks do much for all !
Thank you 💜I go here each week just to watch this series.
aah confession 😭
Otsukaree mich san
Thanks for sub this drama… I really loved it!!! Thanks again!
Thank you sooo much! Much appreciated! You’re really a life saver. (^人^) I’m really loving this drama very much!
Thank you so much 💛
Thank you so much for the subs!!!
💋💋💋💋loveeeee you to no end………..go to hell for people who steal it for youtube
I’m Japanese and thanks to mich-san, I’m really happy I can study English by watching my most favorite TV drama with your subs.
I’m sure you have noticed the Kurosawa’s line about the cohabitation anniversary is from a certain tanka, Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables, was a big hit in 1987. It’s really witty, isn’t it ?
The lyrics of the opening song is about Adachi, and the ending one is about Kurosawa. They were made for this drama. Please translate them and I’d like to share with all of you. (The opening song on YT has subs but it’s maybe auto one.)
Oh, thank you for the remark about the tanka! Soshite, hai, onegai shimasu, uta no hon’yaku o douzo. I would love to see Japanese (kanji and kana; rômaji) and English texts if it’s not too much of an inconvenience.
This is the tanka by Machi Tawara,
This taste good you said, and so July sixth became the salad anniversary.
I found four English versions and I think this is the simplest one.
Okay now I want to read that poem!
Sugoi! Arigatou gozaimashita! You made my day! 🌸
Thank you for the subs…❤❤
hey! thanks so much for everything you do! i never see your subs on youtube, but if you want to point out channels that do it repeatedly, please let us know so we can report them accordingly. you work so hard, you don’t deserve to get them reuploaded!
thanks again, sending much love and luck (for your move back home!) your way!
Thank you! Your translation is really great. I can tell from looking at the auto-generated subs, and some adapted versions of those, that you are not translating literally, you’re translating culturally, adapting English idioms to stand in for phrases that convey the same sense of meaning in Japanese. I was an editor, and have often had to do that for writers who sometimes have trouble expressing concepts in their native English! I love (and am maybe slightly obsessed with) this series. You’ve captured the nuances of these characters perfectly, and that makes it a million times more valuable than literal translations. I really appreciate what you’re doing and wanted to let you know I recognize how talented you are.
After second watch, at 14:12, I’m guessing Rokkaku is saying Adachi has a lot of art supplies rather than stationery. Stationary tends to refer to paper and envelopes for letters. Another translator has Rokkaku then saying his college friend “created” a porn site, rather than bookmarking it, which would make more sense. I know no Japanese, just guessing.
You are an actual legend! Thank you so much for your dedication to the subs!
YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! Finally… episode 6 is here. I know the episodes are released weekly but I still check every day hoping for a miracle. Thank you very much for your hard work. ❤❤❤
Thank you so much ❤! It’s my favourite so far too. Let’s leave comments to remove their videos if someone uploads your subs on yt!
Thank you! Greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your had work!!!! I really love this drama and I promise you that I will comment on someones videos if a see that they upload your subs!! Thank you again and take care 🙂
Thank you for the subs…very much appreciated.
Thank you so much for your hard work I’m sure everybody appreciates it, including me.
I always watch the official Japanese broadcast when it airs and come back for the English subs here. Re-uploading is trash but if it’s any compensation, you’ve got us as your loyal audience who enjoy your subs and work and truly value you. Thank you and Good day 🙂
I do the same!!! Lol then I create reaction videos from the broadcast and react to the episode WITHOUT English subs T__T
Oh, that’s you! I’ve watched your reaction videos (even though it’s not the whole episode and with some annoying sound distortion^^, it’s just too fun to not watch, and it’s the first time ever I’ve watched reaction videos for shows/movies even, I’ve only watched some for songs before. Keep it up, onegai shimasu!
hey I just ended up watching your reaction! lol It feels you’re speaking out my inner monologues XD
THANK YOU so much!!
1:09, 1:21 Can we talk about the difference between Adachi’s & Kurosawa’s “Ah”?!
Adachi sounds so cute & sweet for a boy, while Kurosawa sounds very manly.
Also love Adachi’s pretty baby-like eyes and Kurosawa clenching his teeth… that jawline >_<
Thank you a lot for always subbing!!!!!
There is a lot going on in this epsiode, it's bittersweet. I can't wait for the next epsiode.
The waiting is a torture, cause this drama is overwhelmingly beautiful.
Thank you, finally we are getting some big progress!!
Thank you, i look the batch version so muchhhhhh~
Wanted to cry seeing this out already! Thank you for the amazing work ♥ My heart hurts so much for Kurosawa in this one — the actors have really done such an amazing job as well as the entire team behind the scenes!
Your subtitles are excellent! I always wait for your version even if there’s a earlier version on YouTube.
This series is just so wonderful, I can’t believe it. Poor Kurosawa, this was really hard for him. I hope Adachi gets his shit together soon 🙂
Anyway, thank you so much for your hard work! Off to send you a kofi now.
If the YouTube uploads continue just put your subs behind the wall for Patreon subscribers only.
The selfishness of people never fails to amaze me.
thank you so much for uploading! if i come across your work of subbing i will help with trying to make them take the video away for sure, once again thank you so much, i appreciate your work<3
I don’t even bother watching whatever’s on YT, it will ruin the experience for me… I absolutely LOVE your subs, and can’t imagine watching this show without them. Thanks for everything, and I hope those useless people who upload your subs to YT get their karma.
I always always always only come here (I have this site bookmarked) <
Thanks again!
I am sorry people are stealing your work. The audacity and entitlement of people is sometimes astounding.
But, than you for this gift and thank you for your hard work. Your subtitles are excellent. <3
Thank you so much, I love this show and I love your subs!
Thank you so much for your subs! I’ve your website bookmarked. Your translations are way better than any other I’ve seen.
thank u so much for subbing this ep. i always refer ppl to ur website to watch the series..thanks for ur hardwork
Too glad and appreciate your hard work. I love every detail or suprise the series gives. I enjoy every single minute of each episode. So much fun in this episode, internally screaming at the end. I totally forget that this is a BL. This shows how good is this series. I don’t know how to explain it. Am I the only one think that these two main leads were born for these two roles. They just portrait their characters so well. Love you!
Thank you so much!
Arigato hait!
Thank you for all the effort you put into your work. It’s done with care and love, and it shows.
If this series has taught me something, it’s the fact that we all lack confidence sometimes and we all need someone to remind us how precious we are. Today I want to be that person for you. Because you are amazing, you are special. You make so many people happy with your subs and you are indirectly helping people cope with life — in my case, at least. You need to know how much we appreciate all that. Thank you, Irozuku. From the bottom of my heart.
Thank you so much for your hard work, it is so appreciated!
Thank you so much as always for bringing the happiness in my every week with your big effort here, you are the legend!! Love you!
Thank you so much! I’m only watch on this site <3 <3
Thank you for always putting out these subs so quickly and well done. I look forward to a new episode every week!
thank you so much 🙂
Woah ~!
Finally, Kurosawa confessed Adachi about his love.
Btw, thank you so much for your Eng sub.
Your subtitle is the best. I love it!
Thank you so much for continuing this series ^0^/ Your effort is much appreciated!
People are so stupid and selfish, I mean it’s so easy come to this site and watch them from here.
Don’t worry, I’ll report anything uploaded in youtube.
Please report this user as well.. report ep 6 they stole and commented for them to take it down…and they replied they were waiting for YT to block them..uugh what a jerk I hope their account got blocked too
jeez! what the… thanks, i’ll do that now.
Thank u so much for the subs! I was going crazy cause none of other subs like me, but yours are soooo good <3
Thank you so so much for subbing and uploading. Means more than words can say. I always watch and rewatch cherry magic on here (and only here. Re-uploads can literally stick it). This series and your subs bring me an immense amount of joy and something to look forward to during the week. So thank you, very truly, for contributing to my happiness
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
thanks so much for your hard work!
Thank you so much!!
Thank you for your hard work!!!! Your translation is a whole new level than those in yt and I am so grateful that from now on, I could come here and watch your version!! Your uploads make my day! THANK YOU!
This episode is so cute! 💗💗💗 Thank you for subbing!
Someone uploaded your ep 6 sub to YT, with the watermark:
yikkkkkeeees I also found this person and commented to not take credit and please remove and they straight up just deleted my comment??
oops nvm im a clown, refreshed and lo and behold comment is still there but so is the video so no one wins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you very much 💕💕💕💕
Thank you so much huhu <3 <3 <3 also my fav episode so far!!
Can anyone tell me why Kurosawa loves Adachi so much? and when did that feeling arise? there must be some reason or incident that makes his crazy about adachi
it’s going to be revealed next ep i think because in the trailer for next ep, we find out that kurosawa has been liking adachi for 7 years now
tons of hugs and kisses at ur check for this sub effort. you did very good deed for this ‘cos this serie is my happiness.
tysm! we’re finally half way through the series 🙁 dont want it to end so soon
Thank you! Much love. I think they are using your subtitles in their video. They also have your watermark.
I love your work. It is amazing. Thank you.
Tadaima! From Tsuyoi typhoon 4 days of no electric service, and here comes the flood, starting today,but glad that the electric service is back a while ago can`t wait to watch Cherry mahou. Thank you very much for episode 6.
Thank you for the sub! have a noice day subbers!!!
I greatly appreciate your hardwork! We will definitely look for those users who uploads your work on YouTube! Again, thank you so much! Can’t wait for the next episodes!
They upload on YT, can u please report them? I only report each video but idk how to report a user
Thanks for helping to report the videos. To report users, go to the user’s channel, to “About” tab and click on the flag icon.
Thank you so much. Your subs are amazing.
Also I think these videos ( ( are using your subtitles. They have your watermark as well.
This video uses your subtitles but they don’t use your watermark. (
Anyway please keep up the good work. <3<3<3<3 Have a nice day
Thanks. Love your work.
Thank you so much for your work as always!
this channel upload your video
I report to you u so u can take down
I only watch this here😌✨
thank you so uch for all your hard work 🙂
This YouTube channel has your subs but does not seem to listen from others who have requested to take them down.
I don’t know why but these comments are from 13th Nov. But I didn’t see the video being uploaded until 3 days later! And this happens every week 😭😭😭
Likewise I can’t watch ep 7. Is it uploaded and invisible only to me?! 😢
I’m not sure why. I released the episode on the 13th and tweeted about it immediately.
I’ve found a youtube channel that’s reuploading your subs, I’ve left a comment asking them to stop but here is the link to report
Please help report this channel! They are posting irozuku’s work
I wanted to let you know that people are uploading your subs on Dailymotion. Here is a link to one of them I found.
I just died at end of the episode
Thank you SO MUCH guy !!!