30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni narerurashii
(Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!)
Akaso Eiji, Machida Keita, Asaka Koudai, Yuutarou, etc.
Episode 7 (Eng Sub)
24min 27s
Download Hardsub (253MB, 1280*720)
Download Softsub (Patrons only)
ty for your hrd work
thank you very much

Thank you so much!
Thank you for sharing this. To be honest, your subs are more accurate than WeTV’s. Ganbare!
These are the best subs I’ve seen. I finally could feel the true depth of their conversations. Thank you!!!
really thank u so much!! u are the best
Thank you soooo much

Thank you for subbing. I like this series a lot. I want to watch how Tsuge’s story going
Please can you translate My Family Goes Viral
Thank you for English subtitles.
thank you! it’s embarassing how many versions of this ep i’ve watched now but i’ll watch it again lol
Guilty too…
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much, Mich! Your subs are the best. I look forward to Friday just to watch this show with your subs.
Thank you so so much!
You are an angel for translating this….I am gonna watch this 100 times. God…why does kirosKur look so heavelhe even while he is crying?
Thanks so much for you hard work !
Hi! Irozukusubs thank you so much! Have a nice day
Thank you so much for this episode being subbed so quickly! Wow, this episode was so cute I can’t handle it lol. Great job, Mich! どうもありがとうございます!
Thank you for the subtitles!!! I absolutely love this drama and I really appreciate your hard work, keep on going!
Thank you so much. Even your subs are better than the ones they provided in the streaming app. They should’ve hired you to do the job instead. LOL
Hello Irozuku subs!!!! I am thankful to have stumbled upon your site!!! Thank you for subbing Cherry Maho weekly~~ so grateful to have watched this! May you continue to bring us wonderful dramas like this in the future ! ^^
Thank you so much keep up the good work
Yaaaayyy!! Thank you very much! Thanks for the hard work. Every episode of this is just getting better and better. Once again, thank you so much!
m(_ _)m
thank you so much! and also I love you! ♥
not in a creepy way though… ah, you know what I mean.
Thank you for the sub
Thank you so much for giving us a true sense of the dialog, this show deserves the very best and you are giving it!
Thank you so much for the fast translation!
Thank you so much for the subs. This is my favourite eps so far. Also while waiting for the subs, i watched other projects of yours and it’s nice. I’ve no idea what to watch so thanks to you, I managed to enjoy some other jdrama.
Arigathanks gozaimuch
。Thank you so much for your hard work. Greetings from México.
Pd. Irozuku ってどういみなんですか。
Thank you! I feel your subs are the most close to their dialogues, so I’m always here. Please keep subbing. Will be looking out for other Jdramas that you sub as well!
Thanks for the subs!
Weeee!!! Thank you so much! ♡♡♡
Thank you for this upload! I always wait for your upload! Also I must say, Kurosawa is hella seductive!!!! Like his eyes were so suggestive, you don’t even need to read his mind! I’m so proud of Adachi in this episode!! Oh my gawd! For him it is like the biggest step ever!
I love the next episode preview!!! So excited
https://youtu.be/NxVSVJuEaf4 kurosawa add
Thank you soooo much for your work! I watched every episode an unhealthy amount of times… I love your subs by the way, they make me feel like I can speak Japanese.
Thank you so much for the subs.
Can I get the original version without watermark from you and no Subtitle ?
thank you so much for being amazing!
Thank you so much for the subs! This drama is making me emotional.
Thank u so much for taking this project and doing it so flawlessly! Hope you continue until the end!
Thank you so much for your hark work .. Your subs are always the best <3
Thank you so so so so so so so so so so much for providing these subs. Every week, I cannot wait for Friday to come, in order to enjoy this project and fangirl like an idiot çOç
Thank you so much! I wait excitedly for every Friday to watch your subs of the show!
yay!!! thank you so much
This was such a wholesome episode and so, so cute.
Thank you for your hard work. I always wait for your subs because they are the best! <3
hello, thank you so much for giving us this, and for your hard work. Hope you´re having a great November, we love u! <3
Thank youuuuu!! Thanks a lot.
Yay, next episode we will see them dating hahaha
been waiting for this!! thank u sm
Thank you so much for episode 7. I really fo hope that they won`t upload this series in any of the streaming sites. Don`t be atsukamashii ne~~~~!!!!
Thank you!! You’re amazing for subbing this (and so fast too!) <3
thank u!!!!!!
Thanks!!! I really love this drama. Thank you very much
Thank you so much.

Thank you for the sub! For the first time, I felt the love in a BL series! Felt like watching Notting Hill or The Notebook!
Thank you so much! Your subs are so easy to follow and understand the spirit of the dialogue.
Dear god please stop my beating heart’ I am going mad and crazy for this series, why did they do us dirty with that kind of ending

I love this show a ridiculous amount!
Thank you soooooooooooooooo much!
Thank you for your hardwork.!!
Thank You for the most Robust & reliable translations so far. You are the BEST!
Thank you again and again!
thank you for subbing this!!
I am so glad they included Kurosawa’s side story into this! <3 I started to tear up! Also thank you for the sub work
I saw that the newer episode, the faster of your work. As a follower I’m so appreciate.
Thank you so much for your hard work!! You put so much effort in for us <3
thanks for your hard work
thank you so much
thank you so much!
I love you….Thank you for Eng sub……sending love <3 <3
Thank you so much!! This series brings me an incredible and indescribable amount of joy, but I know I wouldn’t be able to experience it without your hard work. Thank you (again) for this
THANK YOU SO MUUUUUCCCHHHH for eng sub!!!! this dorama is soooooooo cuuuttteeee!!!
thank you
This is the worst. I’m so obsessed with this show that I keep checking how much time is left by pulling up the playbar every minute. I’m like “Yasss, Still got 20 mins left. Yasss, Still got 10 mins left”. By the 22 min mark, I’m so engrossed that I forget to check. So when the episode ends, I go “FFFFFF NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT?! WAIT NO! NOOOO! CONTINUE!”. Sigh. Why are amazing shows so short, while average dramas, get like extra 3 forty minute episode for no apparent reason.
Thank you for the sub!!!! I’ve re-watched episodes multiple times and gotten multiple friends into this drama.
Great drama and great subs. Many thanks
God, I love, love, love these two, Kurosawa and Adachi. They are now my favorite BL Couple of 2020! Their romance/bromance is genuine and I can certainly identify with their romance in so many levels. Thank you for the awesome translation. This, here, series, gives me much happiness given the gloomy year that is 2020. Again, Thank you! I really appreciate you for this smile and happy feeling when watching your translated shows, here.
Thank you!!! I’m obsessed, I can’t believe I have to wait a whole week
But really thank you verryyy much for your hard work!!
Thank you!
It’s quite rare to find a fluffy-happy show with such a good production value. Good cinematography, good phasing and good acting. Director is balancing well between over the top comedic bits with the supporting characters and more serious parts with the main couple. Thanks for providing subtitles for this series.
And in addition: This show surely knows how to end with a cliffhanger. They do it so well it doesn’t make you mad or frustrated, just eager for the next episode.
This episode was a roller coaster without bringing in the heavy water works! I really felt for Kurosawa, how he admits to first thinking he would be content and happy just being close to Adachi, only to fight himself when he realised that he was getting greedy and wanting to be more than just friends. These two are truly meant for each other—Kurosawa was always on the receiving end of everybody’s attention, but they only saw his handsome face and attractiveness, whereas with Adachi people never look past his boyish awkwardness and overall niceness. Adachi was a breath of fresh air for Kurosawa, and Kurosawa gave Adachi an avenue to be braver and see past the wall in front of him by appreciating him, just as he is.
tl;dr I am screaming.
Thank you, Mich-sama. Your efforts are appreciated and valued! I cannot wait for next week’s episode and your subs. Take care and stay safe! ♥
Such a beautiful analysis of Adachi and Kurosawa. Thanks for sharing!
Oh! Thank you very much. Stay safe out there!
Thank you so much for the subs!!
I am patiently waiting for your masterful subs every week and keep reportin whenever I see someone stealing your work. My greatest appreciation, Mich.
thank you very much!
This episode was really unexpected, when they started with the flashbacks from Kurosawa I thought nothing was going to happen in the present, and then everything happened hahaha
Does anyone know the name of the intro song? and if it’s in spotify
Thank you for the subs!
the intro song called ‘ubugoe’ by omoinotake.. and yes its on spotify
Thank you so much
Thank you so much
Thank you for your hard work!Kurosawa and Adachi give me life
omg thanks you so much!!! I’m crying right now because the episode was so good ;_;
TYSM for your hard work! And for such fast subbing too
There is news on twitter that Tsutaya channel will release a special clips/episode on dec 24th. I really hope you’ll be willing to sub that as well since your translation is the best
Me again enjoying Cherry Magic with your sub. Thank you so much! I wait for every Friday just to watch this show. I really hope more people know this show. This episode is so sweet! We know the reason why Kurosawa being drawn to Adachi.
Can’t wait for the glasses guy’s story with the blond boy
their moments are realy hillarious so far
A sincere thank you!!! Your hard work subbing this sweet and heartwarming episode has made my day!
Thank you for the subtitles!
Thank you for your hard work in bringing this gem to us international fans! This is definitely one of my absolute favourite BLs of 2020, and your subtitles are a big part of that.
I subcribed to WeTV to watch this series legally but I still prefer your subtitles. Thank you for your consistent work.
OMG! I don’t know how many times I’ve watched this!!! They are the cutest! Their chemistry is soooo good that it really touched my heart. I ended up screaming and rolling like crazy! This by far my favourite episode. Thank you for your subs as always! See you next episode!
Ah, good things come in sevens <3 7th episode be one of my favorites so far esp since we get to see a different POV. Thanks for subbing, I hope to soon be comfortable with Japanese enough to be able to translate content like you do! For now, I will be content with being able to recognize sentences and phrases when I hear them.
Stay healthy <3
Echoing everyone else to say thanks for providing English subtitles for this series. I am so enamored with the characters. I have been watching a lot of Thai series, and this is my first Japanese one
Hii thank you so much for the video.. Anyway, do you guys have any recommend any BL drama similar to Cherry Magic? Please let me know your favorite ones
Thank youu
It’s not very similar in terms of style, but the other two BL dramas I’ve really loved this year and can wholeheartedly recommend are Gaya sa Pelikula (Filipino, it’s on Youtube) and I told sunset about you (Thai, it’s on Line TV if you live in a country that has it, or you can rent it on Vimeo for internationals, that’s the legal ways of watching it. For illegal, it’s on dramacool and kissasian I think)
Boldsawa on the go

Thank you so much for the sub! I just binged all the episode that are already out, I love this series so much aaah
Your subs are well done! Thank you for picking up this show, really loving it so far!
Thank you so so much for your hard work!
Thank you for your hard work and always translating!<3 However, I can't watch this episode, is there maybe st wrong with the site? It always says an error occured with this code: "reportId: 1eo55bp0n5lbha4gob7". Nevertheless, thank you for all previous episodes!<3
Thank you so much!! All of you senpais are awesome! <3
when will u upload ep8?plz replay.
Thank You so muchh! You do a good job with the subs and we appreciate yor efforts!!

Thank you for your hard work ^^
Cherry Magic is my first Japanese drama and I’m blown away! I truly appreciate the effort you’re putting in to help us understand the finer nuances of Japanese culture. Especially in episode 7 which is so emotionally charged, your subtitles helped me feel what Kurosawa and Adachi feel for each other. It was like being there with them and feeling their love. <3 Thank you so much! Warm regards from India.
I’ve been binge watching this today since Ep. 4 and it makes me glad that I waited till the entire series went to air because by the end of every episode with its cliffhanger it makes you want to watch the next one immediately. The endless analysis by Adachi of himself combined with his hesitancy to reciprocate Kurosawa’s advances is a reflection of Japanese culture so it proceeds in a very different way to BL series from Thailand (the leaders in this genre) except for one thing that appears to be unique all over Asia: saying ‘I like you’ to someone, which has a greater significance there than it does in Western culture. It was a drawn out and almost painful process getting this far with both of them and because it’s not rushed or melodramatic it allows the emotional pressure to build up gradually till it explodes when they both accept they like each other and that makes it extra satisfying.
A lot of my friends have been recommending this to me and I’m glad I watched it. Thanks to your subs I could enjoy such a lovely series! Really, thank you very much!
thank you for the subs!! I finally got to reading the manga ans went straight to the drama (I rarely watch those haha). I do have to say I was ok with the Fujisaki fujo erasure BUT WHY DID THEY NOT DO THE AIRPORT SCENE IT WAS SO PERFECT
(another scene the shouldnt have left out is them a rokkaku discussing whos going to sleep where, some really funny scenes were cut :< )