30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni narerurashii ep.12 (Final)

The last episode is ready!

Thank you so much for all your encouragement and support during the past 12 weeks. It’s been a wonderful journey and I hope you have enjoyed CherryMaho as much as I did!!!


30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni narerurashii
(Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!)
Akaso Eiji, Machida Keita, Asaka Koudai, Yuutarou, etc.

Episode 12 (Final) (Eng Sub)
24min 12s
Download Hardsub (271MB, 1280*720)
Download Softsub (Patrons only)


    1. Victory

      Oh my God!! 25 days since CHERRY MAGIC 🍒 got over and I still can’t get enough of it!!😱😭😝🤧 Those words by ADACHI KUN, “As long as you’re with me, I don’t need magic!” still give me butterflies!!😉🤣😜😍 I seriously can’t thank you enough for investing your time and providing us with the subtitles!! Keep it up!!👍💃🤸👻 Loads of love, happiness and success your way!!🔥💖🌞🌈

        1. Post
  1. Xck

    Thank you thank you. Amazing sub. Thanks for all the effort. I hope to see more of Eiji Akaso. Thank yoy for being a big part of me knowing these 2 amazing leads

  2. Lara

    Awwwww making the last of my holiday days, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!
    Thank you for making me become curious about this series first, become addicted to it next, falling in love right afterwards, waiting for every new episode every week (that you subbed so fast always). Thank you, words could never be enough to properly thank you ENOUGH. Love you and thanks again <3

  3. Namé

    Mich, thank you so much! I really appreciate and love your translations. Wishing you a happy new year. Take good care and stay safe.

  4. Wren

    Thank You. You can’t know how important this little ray of sunshine was in a world of gray. We were all touched by the magic. YOU made that possible.

  5. Foreigner

    Thank you so much for all the effort you have put into this series. The well-deserved popularity of Cherry Magic definitely has to do with your subs. If it’s now available on other international platform, it’s thanks to you. You made this possible. You gave us, the international fans, the possibility to enjoy this masterpiece since the very beginning and spread the word. You helped the magic happen. This series gave so much happiness to so many people. THANK YOU, Mich. Thank you so much. Cherry Magic was the best thing that happened to me in 2020 and it has now become one of my favourite series ever. It’s so special, I’ll never forget it. In the future I’m probably going to check out some of the other dramas you have subbed ^^

  6. Michiel Witkam

    Thank you so much for the rewriting of this novel in 12 parts in English. As Dutchman it was now possible for me to feel the problems and solutions in the end. There seem to be some additions or epilogue? may be you have the possibility to rewrite them also? Thanks in advance.

  7. James John Andres

    Thank you so much Mich for patiently doing the English subs for Cherry Magic. We really appreciate your hard work, effort, and delivering the best translation for the viewers. Because of you, the series became more popular because a lot of people were able to understand and fell in love with the series. More power and take care always! ❤️

  8. enelrem

    Thank you for the hard work! I-no, we are really glad you picked up this drama. I really love Cherry Maho! (o^∀^o) We’re so lucky to have you subbing this. (*´˘`*)Thanks❣❣

  9. Tess

    thank you so much for all you time and effort into making these english subs! It makes me happy that I got to enjoy this series so much because of it, all your effort is greatly appreciated!!

  10. Joe2

    Thank you so much for everything you’ve done… It was because of you (and your subs) that I really loved this show so much, and I’m so sad to seeing it end.

  11. TN

    OMG… thank you Mich!!! I’ve been re-watching episodes 1-10 countless times. Now I can finally watch the last 2 episodes tonight. :)))

  12. Janice

    Thank you so very much for your outstanding work and bringing this lovely story to an international audience with your English subtitles. Wishing You and Yours a very Happy New Year!!!

  13. Nani

    Came here for because of our Protein King, Ryuga Banjo (Eiji Akaso), stayed because of this adorable J-Drama. Thank you for your hard work! Hope you’ll have a great 2021~

  14. mya

    thank you so much for subbing this series. BL fans from all over the world appreciate your hard work! 🙂 i had sooo much fun watching cherry magic! i wish for you all to be happy and have good health going into new year!

  15. River

    Just want to save a massive THANK YOU for subbing this series. It’s been a rough for (because of COVID and personal reasons), but this series has been a major source of joy for me, which of course would not have been possible without you! So yeah, just thank you so so so much for all the hard work <3

  16. Josh

    I agree with the commenters here. I reckon this series got a lot of traction to the international scene and a huge part of that is because of your subtitles. So thank you so much for your effort for making the likes of me, a non-speaker of the language, understand the series I ended up liking so much. Until next time :3

  17. Aya Brea

    Thank you very much Mich! OMG! I cried when the ending song played. What will I do now??? It just started to sink in… But really, thank you very much for your hardwork! We wouldn’t be able to know this amazing series if it weren’t for you!

  18. crush9499

    I really thankful to you to give me (us) translation for this series!! Thank you for your hardwork, I really appreciate it. Please take care ❤

  19. ladyblacktea

    Thanks ever so much for all your hard work helping to spread the cherry magic. Such good translations make such a difference and its really appreciated. now to go back and watch them all again!!

  20. faiz

    Thank you to give us translation for this series!! Thank you for your hard work, we really appreciate it. Please take care & stay safe, hope you can translate the 2 special episode too ❤.

  21. Emma

    Thank you so much for subbing this entire series, and continuing it til the end. It was such a pleasure to be able to see this series thanks to you and through your interpretation of the words, and you have no idea how happy you made so many of us !

    I was personally like a little kid on christmas everytime you updated a new episode, so I’m really grateful 🙂 I loved Cherry Magic and the story between Adachi and Kurosawa, and I’m so grateful I was able to discover it through this blog !

  22. Myra

    Thank you for your hard work! 😀 You did a great job, even though you were busy, so I’m grateful and I hope everything is going well for you.
    Like many people here, i have enjoyed this drama, waiting for the next ep every week. Such a cute drama.

  23. Rick75020

    Thank you SO SO SO MUCH about your hardwork !!! You can’t imagine how happy I was to discover each episode due to your endeavour !!!

  24. GigiMarie

    I’m so happy you were able to translate this series. It was wonderful and we all really appreciate the work you put into this. Hope you have a great New Year!

  25. Chelsea

    Thank you so much for subbing this series! Your subtitles are the most reliable. I hope you might be able to do the 2 spin off episodes, but if you don’t, that’s fine. I hope you have a good end of the year and start to the new year~

  26. JKR

    Really appreciate the dedicated hard work of subtitling this series. No words can express my gratitude… Thank you so much! And am looking forward to more… Happy New Year!! 🙂

  27. udilz

    OMG YESSS! THANK YOU SO MUCH for subbing this wholesome dorama!!!! thanks for your hard work and everthing! <33 have a good holiday

  28. Sophie

    Thank you so much for your hard work in subbing these episodes! I loved the show, it’s so cute. Hope you can sub the special episodes as well, thanks again!

  29. Jay Brown

    Thank You so much for the subs. I really enjoyed this series and I really appreciate all the effort you put into this.

  30. Azure

    Yay! I really appreciate you translating this for us. It takes so much time and effort. You are so cool and talented.

  31. ZoeKat

    Thank you so much for subbing this for international fans! Cherry Magic is one of the sweetest, purest romance series I have ever watched so I really appreciate your hard work in subbing it! Arigato!

  32. Nikki

    Ep. 11 had the BL dramas usual pattern (the sadness and the breakup), but I’m a sucker for happy endings, so I’m glad, that it ended this way. Ohh, I wish for a second season!
    Thank you for your hard work, your subs are the best. Sorry for the 2 weeks of quarantine, I think everybody experienced this last year, even for longer. Happy, that the moving was okay 🙂
    And also a big thanks, for subbing the extra episodes, can’t wait!

  33. Phantom

    Every time that me and my homies watch the intro, we always scream ” thanks mich! “. you’re a true homie man, we luv you. a true legend you are, THANKS MICH WE LOVE YOU!

  34. Chase LL

    I’m very saddened my favorite BL of 2020 ended. Thank you Cherry Magic for making these last two months of this dreadful year, pleasant. I enjoyed every minute of Kurosawa, Adachi and the whole CM crew. Hoping for a season 2, but that’s just me thinking out loud. Thank you, too, Irozoku for all your wonderful translations to these hidden masterpieces on your Channel. Happy 2021 to you.

  35. Skye

    Thank you Irozuku for translating this wonderful one of the best BL series of 2020. I am grateful for your hard work. I hope to see more amazing BL series like these in the future 🙂

  36. Kay

    oh my god thank you so much for translating all the episodes! this was the ultimate feel good show in a LONG LONG LONG time and I absolutely adored every episode and appreciate all your hard work! the plot and the characters and relationships between the characters romantically and platonically were just incredible. the messages that the show is putting out are so sincere and honestly makes me want to be a better person and try harder like Adachi! finding love is important and Kurosawa is showing me what standards are like again so cute and lovely and fujisaki and rokoku are the ultimate wing-people (even if the latter doesn’t even know it lmao). thank you so much for your hard work and for making the year so much better! <3

  37. Warren Abeshouse

    This was a most enjoyable BL series which had the regulatory crisis in Ep.11 and everything being resolved so that it finished with a happy ending in Ep. 12. Even though there were a number of almost kisses, we never saw the two main characters kiss but it didn’t take away from the overall pleasure of watching this series. Adachi was both cute and handsome (which is rare) and was truly adorable – no wonder Kurosawa was so taken with him from the start. Terrific acting on his part. His character was finely developed, going from being very stiff and anxious to more relaxed and certain of himself. Apart from the very original storyline, what also added to it was the prevalence of hearing what some of the characters were thinking. My only criticism of the translations is that I would have used ‘Huh’ rather than ‘What’ most of the time. Other than that, it was a wonderful series that moved along at just the right pace and was easy to follow. We see far too few BL series from Japan and I hope to see more in the future.

  38. Anne

    Thank you so much for translating this! I impulse-clicked on a tumblr link to here because it sounded amusing, but i was not prepared for how soft and heartening this series would turn out to be. I will no doubt watch this again. I’m very grateful that thanks to you I got to watch this very lovely show. Your subtitles were amazingly done and the dialogue felt very natural. I have no translating experience and don’t understand the original Japanese, but I can imagine that a show with such emotional and personal and contemplative scenes requires thought and effort to translate in a way that brings across the nuance and the emotion. I think that you did a wonderful job in bringing across the meaning and feelings of the story to the viewers with your word choices and your effort. Thank you so much.

  39. Jeky

    Man, I just ended this series! Thank you so much for the quality work. One thing with this episode is weird to me… so Kurosawa just outed to Fujisaki-san just like that?? And it’s like no big deal??!??? We know she had a clue but, it wasn’t an open subject right??

  40. laketica

    I have only watched one episode so far but it’s soooo cute and funny!!! Just wanted to drop a note and say thank you so much for all your hard work!

  41. Anne

    Thank you so much for subbing this! I’ve been feeling terrible lately and watching all of these episodes has brought back warm feelings to my dead heart. I’m so grateful to you and your hard work. <3

  42. Grace

    Just finished rewatching this (again), thank you so much for all your hard work!! Any plans to sub the movie, if you have time?

  43. GratefulDramaWatcher

    Thank you for subbing this great series! You always translate everything so well. I’ve watched several drama on your site and I can tell how much effort you put into fansubbing. Thanks so much!!! You’re awesome!

  44. Yaoihardfan

    Damn this must be the cleanest bl drama. The main protagonist doesn’t have a kiss , i really want to see the last scene????. But it so fullfilling and romantic.

  45. FRF

    Thank you so much for this beautiful work!!! This is helping me connect with the wonderful J-drama!!! I watched 10 episodes but couldn’t watch 11 and 12 because it stated, “the connection was reset”. Is there something I need to do different? (All other episodes I clicked on the video image and was able to watch…)

    1. Post

      hi, the last 2 eps were flagged on the usual platform, so i’m hosting the vids on another platform. if it doesn’t work for you, please try downloading the hardsubs instead. thanks!

      1. FRF

        Thanks! Would it be possible share the details of the other platform? I tried downloading the hardsubs but it keeps throwing some error. I’m not very tech savvy 🙁

        1. FRF

          Sorry! Just reread your reply… I guess you mean that you will be posting it soon in another server… In which case, I’m happy to wait for it. Thanks again!

          1. Post

            No, i meant the video streaming you’re seeing on this page is on a different platform (ok ru) from the first 10 eps (dailymotion). If you are unable to view the streaming, you may have problem watching on ok ru. Please download the hardsub instead. It should be playable on vlc player. Thanks.

    1. FRF

      Got it!!!! Managed to download the files!!!! So super thrilled!!! Hlave been wanting to watch this for MONTHS!!! Thank you for making this happen!!! Have a lovely, day, week!!???

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