Kemutai Ane to Zurui Imouto ep.06

And here’s ep6. Enjoy~

Kemutai Ane to Zurui Imouto
Kuriyama Chiaki, Baba Fumika, Yanagi Shuntaro

Episode 6 (Eng Sub)
38min 36s
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  1. Tati


    So, I am beginning to think the real issue is the mom? The two sisters both think one was more favored than the other and as a result Rikkun got entangled in this problem. Ranchan only wanted him to proves that she is loved because she thinks her mother doesn’t love her. Junchan thinks taking back Rikkun is to prove she is better than her sister.

    On another Rikkun is still a mystery. Why on earth he married the younger sister after he knew she broke them up with that lie. Then he has the nerve to start a messy affair/polygamous relationship then he was like actually I do love my wife. Smh! Based on the preview it looks like he is too late to realized it now. And the older sister needs to wake up and realized that they are married, you can’t break them up that easily if there weren’t any problems to begin with.

  2. Jeff Tiger

    I agree with Tati; I don’t understand Rikkun’s actions. But that said, I’m enjoying this drama. It helps that Kuriyama Chiaki is one of the leads. She’s an impressive actress.

  3. Mel

    I am so mad, even though I enjoy love triangles, I’m not used to plots like this, where all the characters are so messed up and keep on making mistake after mistake. And the conclusion for me is the two moms. The sisters mom often left Ran get away with anything she did forcing Jun to keep quit and watch her do wathever she wanted to, which made her resent Ran: the mom also showed more devotion for Jun because she is the daughter of the man she loved the most, since she could see him in her face she was more drawn to her isolating Ran. This is way there’s a lot of resentment between the sisters.

    BUT RIKKUN, for starters if one can snatch him I don’t want it I’ll evelop him for you and leave him at your door.

    But yeah, Ritsu had a really hard time growing up since her mom was a narcisist who manipulated him and even hurt herself just because he wasn’t doing as she wanted him to. She was so controlling eventualy Ritsu just gave up his dreams, and desires.

    He not only gave up the things his mom didn’t want him to do, but also gave up on everything he ever loved including Jun.

    Practically Ran did lie. But he didn’t explain to Jun anything at all. He let her go as if he didn’t care.

    Jun thought that he cheated on her, and later realized that he didn’t BUT why did he start a relationship with her sister?? Like okay you didn’t cheat you just simply gave up on her. BUT HOW THE HELL DID YOU MARRY THE SISTER OF YOUR EX WHO LIED TO HER AND MADE YOUR RELATIONSHIP END?

    That tells me that he was kind of separated from reality and just kept of letting things flow without thinking in anything, which led to him hurting the three of them.

    Out of all Ritsu is the worst. On this episode he also realized that he has feelings for Ran after hes been playing the boyfriend with her ex for weeks while still being married.

    How can someone lack not only a sense of ethics but common sense? If you know nothing about sorting out your feelings at least stop playing alone with one girl after the other goes.

    I feel sorry for all of them. This is what happens when you let things unresolved as well as feelings.

    But Ritsu is seriously damaged and I can’t stand it. He acts like the victim when his inability to decide is exactly the problem. You have 8alls to get laid but not to say LET’S BREAK UP to one of them?

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