30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni narerurashii ep.08


30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni narerurashii

(Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!)
Akaso Eiji, Machida Keita, Asaka Koudai, Yuutarou, etc.

Episode 8 (Eng Sub)
24min 27s
Download Hardsub (299MB, 1280*720)
Download Softsub (Patrons only)


  1. kale boy

    thank you so much!!! i look forward to your subs every week
    p.s am i the only one who skips over the second story line? lmao

    1. Wxumnl

      No i actually do skip too , idk why but i feel some second hand embarrassment. The story is kinda rushed i think i mean he didn’t even knew his name until this episode ? but i was actually interested at the end of this episode …

    1. nuna

      I have left a comment saying that don’t reupload but then my comments were deleted. I don’t know how to report to YT as YT mentioned that the owner of the video should did it. We can’t do it as the 3rd party.

      1. Farah

        Me too. I tried to report the channel but it says if it is abt the copyright then there’s a guidelines for the owner to report. It needs full name and all. Can’t proceed as a 3rd party. If we try to report the video, the options for the reason will not be there and can’t proceed.

        1. Post
  2. Andrew

    You are the best sub, the quality is … *CHEF KISS* the best. I hope you get enough rest doing all of your daily things, and stay safe. Thank you so much for keeping us entertained in the middle of this sucks time <3

  3. nabs

    thank you so much for subbing this drama. ever since I saw the first ep on the official YT channel I just had to see the remaining eps. can’t wait to see the next eps and also your subs!

  4. Row

    Thank you for working so hard! I love this series and look forward to it every week!! I have a question about when they are texting though! When Kurosawa’s message pops up his profile picture is of a lamb I think and I was just wondering why? Is there a pun there? It might not be that deep but I’m just curious!! Thank you so much again!!

  5. Warren Abeshouse

    Adashi and Kuraswa having established themselves as a couple, this episode concentrates on Tsuge and Minato. Tsuge is so dramatic in his thoughts and behaviour and Minato is so cool and one can see why Tsuge became infatuated with him because he’s so cute. It was terrific to see Adashi give his encouragement and support to Tsuge and just when he was going to reveal his feelings to Minato, a rival presents himself and there this episode ends, with another cliffhanger. I love the way this series has been made and produced and tells the story quite differently from how other countries present their BL series, as it should be. Also, I’m glad I’m watching it here as the EngSubs are so good and the video quality is first rate.

  6. yokobluu

    ok I have no idea whats going on anymore bc they’ve already strayed completely from the manga and skipped most of my favorite parts now I’m trying to figure out how some important events are going to happen… if they even are AARRGHH (sry)

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