Tag Archives: Release

Two Weeks ep.01-03

As promised, I’m releasing the first three eps of Two Weeks at the same time. The first two eps were translated by Mzasubber and edited by me (fyi, what I fixed: naming convention, missing lines, shorten lines, timing tweaks and some corrections). Ep3 was translated by both of us, and I did the rest of …

13 (Thirteen) ep.03

I hope you will enjoy this penultimate episode~ Can’t wait to watch the final ep next week!  13 (Thirteen) Sakuraba Nanami, Itaya Yuka, Aoyagi Sho, Yui Ryoko, Ishikawa Ruka, Inoue Yuki, etc. Episode 3 (Eng Sub) 44min 07s Download Hardsub (407MB, 1280*720) Download Softsub (Patrons only)

13 (Thirteen) ep.02

T/note: “Enjo kousai” (援助交際) or “compensated dating” is a kind of transactional relationship, used to describe young women going on dates with older men in exchange for money or gifts.  13 (Thirteen) Sakuraba Nanami, Itaya Yuka, Aoyagi Sho, Yui Ryoko, Ishikawa Ruka, Inoue Yuki, etc. Episode 2 (Eng Sub) 44min 07s Download Hardsub (445MB, …

13 (Thirteen) ep.01

The first episode is ready. Please enjoy! 🙂 T/note: PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a mental health condition that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety.  13 (Thirteen) Sakuraba Nanami, Itaya Yuka, Aoyagi Sho, Yui Ryoko, Ishikawa Ruka, Inoue Yuki, etc. Episode …

Densetsu no Okaasan ep.07

The penultimate episode is out. Enjoy! 👨🏻‍🍼 Densetsu no Okaasan (The Legendary Mother) Maeda Atsuko, Tamaoki Reo, Inowaki Kai… Translation by chiaki, the rest by mich. Thanks to metalosaurio for providing the raw. Episode 7 (Eng Sub) 28min 59s Download Hardsub (436MB, 1280*720) Download Softsub (Patrons only)

Guilty: Kono Koi wa Tsumi desuka? ep.08

Sakurada Dori appears from this episode onwards. Yup, he’s in our project again, somehow hehe~ Meanwhile, we’ve found out that there will be a total of 10 episodes for this series! Guilty: Kono Koi wa Tsumi desuka? Shinkawa Yua, Machida Keita, Koike Teppei, Nakamura Yurika, Kamio Fuju, etc. Translation by TiduAura, everything else by Mich. …